On April 10, the War Remnants Museum and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to cooperate in implementing a gallery at the War Remnants Museum about the joint efforts of the two. Vietnam and the United States overcome the consequences of war. The event was held at the War Remnants Museum in the presence of the US Congressional Delegation led by Senator Jeff Merkley, leader of the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Culture and Sports, and leader of the Office of Mechanical Engineering. Standing office of the National Steering Committee to overcome the consequences of land mines and toxic chemicals after the war in Vietnam (referred to as Office 701).
The new gallery will focus on three main areas of cooperation: overcoming the consequences of land mines and explosive remnants of war, dioxin pollution treatment and supporting people with disabilities.
It is expected that the exhibition will open in 2025 on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and the United States, the 50th anniversary of the country's unification and the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the War Remnants Museum.
We would like to sincerely thank the media agencies for their interest in reporting on the event. Links to some articles about the event:
Báo tin tức - TTXVN : https://baotintuc.vn/thoi-su/viet-nam-va-hoa-ky-hop-tac-trong-trung-bay-ve-no-luc-khac-phuc-hau-qua-chien-tranh-20230410191335770.htm
Quân đội nhân dân: https://www.qdnd.vn/xa-hoi/tin-tuc/hop-tac-trung-bay-ve-cong-tac-khac-phuc-hau-qua-chien-tranh-724563
Trang tin điện tử Đảng bộ Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh: https://hcmcpv.org.vn/tin-tuc/ky-ket-ban-ghi-nho-ve-ho-tro-trung-bay-hop-tac-khac-phuc-hau-qua-chien-tranh-tai-bao-tang-chung-tich-1491907064?fbclid=IwAR3kkEaTFuwuPRg9Ikgp-I1sbZSvu-JSSV6LOYGqDNV_TXifStPltcsf8f4
Pháp luật Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh: https://plo.vn/my-viet-hop-tac-xay-phong-trung-bay-hien-dai-ve-khac-phuc-chien-tranh-post728137.html?fbclid=IwAR1xx3kFTgMuznhjNHcSwEtYAvLZNjvDQfdumctep4i3J0jGJPklPLS9jAQ