The photo collection of the Vietnam War was completed by British photojournalist Tim Page and his German colleague Horst Faas with the assistance from Vietnam News Agency. It comprises 275 photographs taken by 134 correspondents from 11 nationalities who died in action on  the battlefields of Indochina.

The photo depicting Japanese journalist Taizo Ichinose’s camera with a bullet hole has been considered a symbol of war correspondents who live by the sword and die by the sword. Every photo on the battlefield is priceless because the correspondents have to sacrifice their life for it.

The “Requiem” collection conveys a message of blood and tears, and uncovers the misery caused by the wars of foreign forces in Viet Nam.

The image of Ichinose’s camera, a relic preserved as part of a family shrine in Kyushu, Japan. Ichinose escaped injury but he lost this camera in an ambush (Photo by Rikio Imajo).


A Vietnamese mother and her children wade across a river to escape bombs from a U.S. air strike. Quy Nhơn, 1965 (UPI). Kyoichi Sawada. The photo won the Pulitzer award in 1966